Crack the Case Spring Webinar Series

Early Bird Registration is now open!
Save $50 with this special offer. Ends May 29 @ Midnight ET

How to Conquer Your Internship This Summer
Sunday, May 1 @ 9:00am PT / 11:00am CT / 12:00pm ET

You got the summer offer, now it’s time to produce! Are you a little stressed about managing your internship and landing an offer? Learn practical tips on how to showcase yourself, your work, and your thought leadership this summer.


How to Crack Your Cases More Consistently
Sunday, May 8 @ 9:00am PT / 11:00am CT / 12:00pm ET

Be structured! Be data driven! Find more insights! You’ve heard it all before, yet you’re still not cracking your cases consistently. Join expert coach and trainer David Ohrvall to learn strategies to take your case interview game to the next level. We’ll cover tips on how to view the case more holistically while executing on key skills interviewers must see.


Do THIS, Not That: What Interview Stars Get Right
Sunday, May 15 @ 9:00am PT / 11:00am CT / 12:00pm ET

Ever wonder what separates good candidates from great ones? David will team up with our top-rated trainer and ex-McKinsey manager, Deborah Resnick, to share with you what the “interview stars” consistently get right. Join us to hear David and Deborah’s insights, drawn from two decades of coaching over 1,500 private clients. Let’s get you ready for your next big interview!


Summer Strategies: Be Interview Ready by August
Sunday, May 22 @ 9:00am PT / 11:00am CT / 12:00pm ET

Is your goal to be interview-ready by August, but you’re not sure how to get there? In this practical webinar you’ll learn the key elements to a successful interview prep plan. We’ll show you how to assess your talent while ensuring you schedule your time, use the right tools and techniques and test yourself appropriately. Build momentum over the summer with a well defined, step-by-step strategy.